“Why Alpine?” – Hospitality & Tourism Management Student Interview

In our interview series themed “Why Alpine?” we are delighted to introduce Athina Adam, a graduate of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens who decided to specialize in Hospitality and Tourism Management and chose to enroll on the Swiss Alpine program of study at City Unity College. 

Athina highlighted the two main reasons that led her to choose Swiss Alpine Center and commended the Swiss philosophy of training and education in hospitality management as it is based on practical applications including role playing.  She was thrilled by the career opportunity Alpine offered her this past summer despite the COVID-19 challenges.

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Swiss Alpine Center

the Swiss Business School for Hotel & Tourism Management is celebrating 4 decades. The Company was established in Switzerland in 1986 and it’s 1st campus outside Switzerland was Established in Athens-Greece in 1987, and is a pioneer of hospitality management education, a la Suisse! Alpine has attracted students from over 75 countries in the last three decades, making it a truly international institute of learning.

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